Friday, December 24, 2010

We can really substitute water instead of gas?

If the water instead of gas, there's a chance to run cars on water? People have tried to tackle this question a new way to increase the mileage of vehicles and rising prices of conventional fuels.

It must be clear to understand, first, that water would not be your car. The water is actually used as a source of alternative fuels and hybrid cars would be a paradigm.

You have to know the restrictionclear that energy must be from water using energy much less than that needed to be extracted to create water. It does not seem possible, in the true sense, when we try to win with pure hydrogen from water.

Although it seems quite profitable if you try to dispose of Brown, the oxygen atoms of the hydrogen atoms of water present and produce a useful fuel called HHO or Brown's gas, the scientists, who coined the name Yull told because of the name.

Ageneration to build their own form of hydrogen gas to create this. It 's very easy to make and the components can be purchased $ 65 of the local market at a price not higher. People were able to own modules for a weekend with the tools that are usually available at home to build.

Electrolysis is the process of working on key hydrogen generators. We just need a little 'battery power the car through an arrangement of electrodes to provide someimmersed in water and the opposite charges of splitting water molecules into two molecules of water and one molecule of oxygen.

This friendly and clean environment of burning gas, the demand on. When using this gas is mixed with the fuel we already have, resulting in a mixture turn engine so powerful in a very fresh and clean.

The cars are built for mileage generally not favored in a better way. The fuel is not burnedcamouflaged as a catalyst to ensure that you fill the fuel surcharge from time to time (obviously with a lot of control too) and hazardous waste that will damage the engine of the car at the end otherwise stay with the times.

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