Friday, July 23, 2010

Align Probiotic Can Reduce Gas and Bloating

Align probiotic has helped many people who suffer from IBS, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal discomfort, gas and bloating.

Our gastrointestinal tract has to be able to tolerate dietary antigens (foods that stimulate us to produce antibodies) and the natural microflora living within us, yet at the same time it must be able to recognise when it is under attack by bad bacteria.

Little wonder if sometimes it makes mistakes and over reacts to things that are harmless causing the familiar symptoms of IBS such as gas and bloating.

The bacteria in Align - Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 - has an anti-inflammatory effect which soothes your intestines.  If you suffer from any of those symptoms then Align probiotic could be the right supplement for you.

The Align daily probiotic supplement is not a laxative but rather works by restoring your gastrointestinal tract back to its proper functioning.  The good bacteria within Align affects the immune cells in the intestinal tract so that they respond properly to the bad bacteria they meet in the gut.  You can see how that would immediately reduce painful and embarrassing symptoms.

People respond at different speeds when they start taking Align probiotic so don't despair if you don't notice any improvement immediately.

A few people will notice an improvement within a few days, but for most people it will take several weeks.  For a few, it may take up to 2 months before you begin to feel better.  If that is the case it would be worth experimenting with other probiotics and dosage.

Some people have what is called a herx reaction.  This is the ol' "you've gotta feel worse before you get to feel better" syndrome.  So you might develop worse flatulence, bloating or loose bowel movements - even flu-like symptoms.  These symptoms will pass but if they're very troublesome, reduce the amount you're taking.

Align is formulated to be stable at room temperature so you don't need to refrigerate it which makes it very suitable for taking when travelling.  This probiotic is one of the lactic acid producing bacteria so, not only is it lactose free, but it is able to digest lactose.

However milk proteins are added during manufacture so it should not be taken by people with milk allergies.  (Lactose intolerance and milk allergies are two quite separate things.)

Many people have found Align probiotic helpful in reducing or eliminating the gas and bloating caused by IBS.

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